Fusion Homes is honoured to receive the Gordon Couling Award for Heritage Restoration from the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario Guelph-Wellington in partnership with Spring Mill Distillery. The prestigious honour was presented Thursday evening at the Guelph Chamber of Commerce Awards of Excellence for the work that both Fusion Homes and Spring Mill Distillery have done to maintain the architectural integrity of the building located at 43 Arthur Street South and creating a landmark destination in the community.
The heritage building at The Metalworks has been an integral part of the project and having Spring Mill Distillery as a tenant and partner has been a critical part of its success. Working with a partner that understands and respects the historical value of this building has allowed Fusion Homes to fulfill its vision to bring new life to the 200-year-old structure.
Fusion Homes would like to congratulate all the recipients, finalists and nominees that were recognized at the awards ceremony for their outstanding contributions in Guelph. We are incredibly humbled to be honoured amongst such an exceptional group of people and organizations.